
General Practice Residency Program

The Department of Dentistry of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center offers two tracks for general practice residency education and training, both of which are situated in hospitals and include outpatient and inpatient care. On the East Campus, 12 first year positions are available. On the West Campus, nine first year positions are available.

The General Practice residents participate in the PASS Program for Resident Application. Applicants should follow the procedures prescribed by the PASS Board. For more information please contact Ms. Agueda Maldonado-East Campus at 718-920-6039.

Prosthodontic Residency Program

This three year program provides a broad spectrum of both didactic and clinical experiences in the major subdivisions of Prosthodontics: fixed, removable, implant (surgical as well as restorative phases) and maxillofacial prosthetics. Our curriculum includes all subject matters mandated for the Specialty of Prosthodontics by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. All residents are expected to pursue certification by the American Board of Prosthodontics at the conclusion of their training. The Division of Prosthodontics is well equipped with current technology to assist in the training of our residents and enhance our patient care outcomes.

All applicants for the Prosthodontic Residency Program must be graduates of United States or Canadian Dental Schools. All applications must be submitted through the ADEA PASS program. The Prosthodontic Residency Program does not participate in the National Match Program at this time. For further information, please contact Ms. Christine Clarke at 718-920-5996.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency Program

This program at Montefiore Medical Center and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine is one of the largest ADA accredited programs in the country. Located in New York City, the Department's residents treat a culturally, economically, and ethnically diverse population as they rotate through each of the six hospitals served by the Department of Dentistry. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery deals with people who suffer accidental injuries, infections, cysts and tumors, developmental deformities, as well as dysfunctional and degenerative disorders. It is concerned with the relief of pain and the reconstruction and restoration of important functions involving breathing, chewing, swallowing and speech.

Montefiore participates in the PASS program for resident selection. Applications should follow the procedures prescribed by the PASS board. For more information, please contact Dr. Richard Kraut at 718-920-4984.

Pediatric Dentistry Residency Program

The program in Pediatric Dentistry is hospital based and offers an unusually broad exposure to all relevant components of Pediatric Dentistry. In addition to extensive management of primary care patients, the residents care for the developmentally disabled and medically compromised. Pediatric Dental Residents actively participate in the Center for Craniofacial Disorders. The Pediatric Dental Residents receive extensive exposure to all aspects of pediatric dental care, including: minor and major dental trauma, sedation techniques, orthodontics and operation room experience. The primary emphasis through all of these activities is to integrate clinical experience with didactic knowledge.

Montefiore Medical Center participates in both the PASS program for resident selection and the National Match Program. Although participation in the PASS program is not required, it is strongly encouraged. For more information, please contact Ms. Christine Clarke at 718-920-5996.

Orthodontic Residency Program

The Orthodontic Residents work within departmental dental centers situated within seven major hospital/research facilities throughout the Bronx. In addition to providing high quality orthodontic care for the local community, residents are involved in the treatment of more than 150 orthognathic surgery patients annually, as well as many of the more than 5,000 Craniofacial Center patients. The emphasis in each of these areas is a multi-disciplinary approach to patient care. Weekly orthognathic conferences educate the orthodontic resident in the art of coordinating diagnosis techniques not often included in orthodontic education, such as nasopharyngoscopy, video-fluoroscopy, advanced imaging as well as genetic counseling.

Montefiore participates in the National Match Program for Orthodontic Residency. For more information, please contact Ms. Cheri Williams at 718-920-5997.